Large Mixed Bouquet


A hand-tied mixed bouquet of approximately forty stems of our finest blooms and foliage grown and gathered from our fields, forest, and greenhouses. Choose from three color palettes; soft and sweet, bright and vivacious or farmer’s choice (let your farmer choose for you!). Your bouquet will be presented in our signature brown paper wrap with our logo sticker.

*Please note this bouquet is only available to our City of Fall’s Church Market customers. Please see our Porch Petal Bouquets for local pick up and delivery.

SKU: N/A Category:


A hand-tied mixed bouquet of approximately forty stems of our finest blooms and foliage grown and gathered from our fields, forest, and greenhouses. Choose from three color palettes; soft and sweet, bright and vivacious or farmer’s choice (let your farmer choose for you!). Your bouquet will be presented in our signature brown paper wrap with our logo sticker.

*Please note this bouquet is only available to our City of Fall’s Church Market customers. Please see our Porch Petal Bouquets for local pick up and delivery.

Additional information

Color Palette

Bright & Vivacious, Farmer's Choice, Soft & Sweet